In the devastating wake of Hurricane Ian, we are reminded of why preparing for hurricanes is extremely important, and how difficult the process of cleaning up can be. The Ginn Group couldn’t be more proud of our hurricane team and how they stay well-trained for events like this.

Preparing your homes and facilities is extremely important because it can minimize the impact of the storm. Our hurricane team keeps facilities prepared before the threat of a storm arrives, so how can you do the same?
- Make sure to have a stash of emergency supplies. Some obvious supplies are things like candles, matches, water, flashlights, and non-perishable foods. Some less obvious ones are batteries, prescriptions, and a portable National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) weather radio.
- Have an inventory list of your personal items. This can help with insurance both before and after an event occurs. Pictures and videos of your belongings before any damage will help with the claims process and applying for any aid.
- Plan evacuation routes. In the event that you have to evacuate, knowing your route ahead of time and how long it will take could make all the difference.

These are just a few of the ways that you can keep your home and business prepared. For more information, is a great resource. To learn more about how we prepare our facilities, check out our blog, “Hurricane Preparedness and How it Saves Lives.”
Our prayers go out to all of those that have been affected by Hurricane Ian. We know that the road ahead is long, but you will come back strong.
To learn more about our hurricane team and other services that we offer, contact us today.