Now that hurricane season is upon us, we hear on the news about the new storms at our door front. With this 2021 season already producing Claudette and now Elsa, many of us are beginning to question if all of our seasons are going to be as crazy as the previous one; which, as we mentioned in our last blog, produced a record number of storms. To say the least, our hurricane team here at The Ginn Group is staying well-trained for each of the upcoming storms!

Within 24 hours after a hurricane hits, The Ginn Group team is on-site assisting in recovery efforts. Once on-site, these members look for damaged utilities, such as damaged power lines, leaking gas, or running water, to name a few, and they secure them, in order to ensure safety for the remainder of the recovery process. It is after this that a facility assessment is performed, labeling structures as either green, yellow or red.
Gary Nichols, a member of the hurricane preparedness and recovery team, tells us a green building is one that only accrued a minimal amount of damage and is still completely occupiable without any danger to the workers offering disaster assistance. Yellow buildings are those that receive a significant amount of damage, but that are still occupiable, only producing minimal employee exposure. And finally, red is for those facilities that have received significant damage and cannot be occupied. The labeling of these buildings is extremely important as it provides safety to those assisting in the restoration of an area after the hurricane.
It is also important to get roads opened back up soon after the storm hits so that families are able to return home. This calls for a lot of tree trimming and collection of debris. While many families are undoubtedly in a hurry to return to their houses, it is important that they wait until the official approval of the authorities before doing so. Returning early to the scene of a natural disaster may be just as dangerous as never leaving in the first place.

At The Ginn Group, we take great pride in being able to offer these services to the communities around us. We know what your home and hometown mean to you, and we want to do everything we can to protect that for you and get you and your family back there safely as soon as possible. If you are in need of a hurricane restoration team in your area, don’t hesitate to reach out. The Ginn Group will be happy to assist you.